Tuesday, August 19, 2008

FILM FEVER! (new stocks alert)

Are you smarter than an Oh Shoot! Elf?

Pop quiz, hotshot!

Why is Oh Shoot! Elf # 4 salivating?

A) Because Head Elf is making jello shots.
B) Because she can smell mac and cheese.
C) Because she has too much saliva.
D) Because Oh Shoot!'s film stocks have arrived.

And the answer is, D.

We can't blame Elf # 4 for salivating. Because boxes and boxes of film have landed at Head Elf's headquarters. That was a pretty crazy day - with elves clambering on top of each other, trying to dive into the big pile of film.

They have since been whipped into submission and the rolls have been sorted, stamped and smelled and they are now available at Oh Shoot!

Slides, negs, 120, 220, 135, 110 - we have them all.

Kodak Elitechrome, Konica Centuria Slides, Fuji Provia 400F, Fuji Provia 100F, Kodak Portra, Kodak Elitechrome E200, Fuji Velvia 100F, Fuji Astia - let the sexy film names roll off your tongue.

For a complete list of films available at Oh Shoot! and for instructions on how to order, visit
Oh Shoot!'s Got Film? page.

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